Monday, June 6, 2016

What did she expect?!!!!

So it looks like this blog will be one of pain and fury. I don't understand how a question of whether or not I was going to make it home turned into "we shouldn't have gotten back together." I thought I could be destructive.

Yes, we never really stopped talking during our 3 month break up. I did have a conversation with my mom as to why she said what she said. Guess what it has nothing to do with God but it has to do with her biased for the internet. No, I cannot control her opinion but that also doesn't make it fact.

I will never understand your original decision to end things. I love my family and they love me. We are each our own individual persons with our own ideas of how life is supposed to look. Marriage between a man and a woman is between that man and that woman. The relationship prior to is between that man and woman. Family is the observer, the onlooker. They don't know the whole parts of the sum of the relationship. Only God knows this. Our families can counsel us and give us their opinions of what they know of the situation. That by default makes them limited and not all knowing.

I knew what i was saying and asking during the past 3 months. I have to assume that if I am here writing that you didn't fully think about the topic. Marriage is the destruction of 2 separate lives and the rebuilding of those lives into 1 life. You cannot make everyone happy! People will always disapprove of what they don't understand. You can speak for hours trying to explain the matter but still they may not understand.

The only thing I want to do at this point is to give my mom your number and let her invite you to dinner. My anger tells me just to be done with you. My pride says there will be no other pursuit. THIS was it. You knew what I was asking. You knew what I wanted. Life is full of rejection,  disappointment, hardship, and faith testing. Life is not a cakewalk. WHAT DID YOU WANT AND WHAT DID YOU EXPECT?!?!!!!!!

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